Temporary route guidance signs

Route guidance signs in road works

On routes which limitations exist due to road works, diversion routes are introduced & signs are used with yellow background & black wordings. The reason for this colour difference is higher visibility
of yellow & better warning to the drivers to be more cautious. Regulations for route guidance signs are also applicable here & the only difference is in the colour of the wordings & background. It must be noted that even though these signs are temporary, we have no right to decrease their technical quality e.g. by not using retroreflective material, but on the contrary, the emphasis here is in the use of High Intensity & Diamond Grade material. It must be noted that the signs should be removed after the completion of road works & the route returned to normal condition.

Main differences between road works route guidance signs & other fixed signs are as follows:

Yellow retroreflective material must be used

Sign dimensions are not only not smaller, but in hazardous conditions even larger than normal

Retroreflective material must not be of a lower grade than engineering but if possible higher grade reflective material must be used

Portable signs for road works

Road works conducted at urban & suburban areas, are always faced with safety issues & accidents. On the other hand, maintenance of the roads is one of the necessities of preserving these national investments. Application of traffic safety regulations during road works is the best method to prevent accidents & reduce fatalities & financial losses. Signs mounted in such workshops must have the following specifications:

1- Must have a retroreflective material of 10 year High Intensity or a higher grade.
2- Must be light weight & resistant for easy mounting & substitution.
3- Must not be damaged during transport & warehousing

Technical specifications of portable triangle

In order to reach the above goals, the portable triangle is made of hard plastic using foreign made samples as basis for moulds & is now available in the market.
some of the technical specifications of this sign
1- Body & accessories are made by plastic injection using first class & resistant raw material.
2- Complete weight of each triangle is around 7 kg.
3- Usable height of the triangle is 75cm & overall
height of 100cm.
4- 10 year High Intensity material
5- Movable & folding base to simplify mounting & removing.
6- Possibility of securing the base by screwing to the ground or putting sand bags.